Sasquatch Body Sketch Session
Witness: Ann Nottingham
Location: Little Rock, AR

Initial client comments
Body shape:Face shape was flat, maybe with a slight jutting chin. No snout. Head was higher in back than in front. No neck. Massive shoulders, wide chest and back. Like the most massive football player imaginable. Did not see any flared hips, thighs very heavy. Rest of legs in brush. Arms long, hung straight down. No paws, just what seemed to be hands.
Hair: Long hair, black in color (but it was dusky outside). Did not have fur like a bear.
Skin:Skin covered with hair as above. Seemed to not have hair around face.
Other:It was about 25 feet away, in dusk, so face not distinct. Saw it more from the side (~45 degrees) from the path we were on, although it seemed to watch us. No eyeshine. It did not rear up; it came straight up like getting up from a squat. Was an obviously bipedal creature, not a four-legged one. Height guesstimated at about 7-8 feet.

Iteration One
Witness comments to iteration one: That was one of the closest pictures of what I saw that I've seen in all these years. Remarkably close.
I do not remember the hair falling straight back from the face, more like a cap from the crown of his head down his neck. "He" seemed to have "bangs" to his "eyebrows". It was not an ape, but the hair was most like a gorilla than anything else. I do not remember the lips or nose being so prominent-more like you could make out nostrils, but not a nose. His mouth and eyes seemed fixed in a "What do YOU want??" look-not as if in an attack, but more irritation and surprise. His body was as massive as drawn, but the hair was longer on his chest. I could make out the muscles, but they were hair-covered.
This sketch did give me the same chills as I felt back then, which means it's very close. I do thank you for your time.
Note:Click on image to see a larger image

Iteration Two
Witness comments to iteration two: I will tell you, at the risk of sounding like a nut, that seeing picture #2 was like coming upon that "huge hairy man" all over again. For a very short sighting, it still has the power to give me the creeps even now.
The only difference I would make in the sketch was that the head, while still slightly conical in back, was more flush with the shoulders-but it could also have been an effect of very long hair. The "cheeks" did not seem sunken in, but fuller. The "beard" seemed to be all one mass of hair blending with the chest, with the rest of the face bare or with much shorter hair. No distinct neck-just this hair-covered head with a more hairless face atop huge shoulders. The rest was just as you drew him-emphatically not a bear, even if bears lived in northeast Ohio. Bears aren't bipeds and don't have hands. "He" was massively muscled, as drawn, but still gave some impression of grace and quickness if it had moved.
If you do wish to send me another sketch, I would be thankful even though you are 95% there already. I think you have done a remarkable job, and I do thank you for your time.
Note:Click on image to see a larger image

Iteration Three (Final)
Witness comments to iteration three: That was him. Wow. The sketch alone gives me the same creeps.
"He" was absolutely not a large person in a thick jacket or coat. This was a very man-like primate, but more bipedal than a chimp or gorilla. Whatever "it" is, it is far closer to us than any other ape, maybe even the orangutan. I believe that is why hunters who run into one cannot ever seem to shoot it.
Years later, after this happened, I was watching a special on the Patterson film. That creature, if standing still and upright, and without breasts was exactly what I saw. I think it goes to that film's credibility if other witnesses have said the same: "It looked like the Patterson creature".
I do thank you for your time, and if you do ever have a website of your sketches, I would like to see it and you have my permission to use the sketches you made for me.
Note:Click on image to see a larger image

This project is maintained and managed
by Pete Travers