Sasquatch Body Sketch Session Witness: Duane Keough Location: Washington Report: 3438 Initial client comments Body shape: If you saw those films that were taken in California, this creature looked exactly like that one. We were approximatly 120 yards away so its features were not too plain but I would say it had a "disgusted look" on its face when it first saw us. I would describe it as being a muscleur ape like creature about 7-71/2 feet tall. Its head may have been slightly more conical than a human being and its facial features I would describe as somthing between a gorrilla and a human, the bones over its eyes seemed to protude more than (most) persons , it's eyes were dark and I dont recall any special features about its nose or ears other than being ape like, its arms were perportionly longer than a humans perhaps extending to its knees when standing, I woud say it was slightly more slender than the one in Cal. but still very muscular, perhaps a younger one? Hair: Long black hair covering its body. The hair on it body seemed to be about 3inches long and black in color. Skin: Other: Iteration One Iteration Two