Sasquatch Head Sketch Session
Witness: Guy Petersen
Location: Florida
Initial client comments
Head shape:
like an homo-erectus
It was very hairy, not furry hairy either. It was long and went over his shoulders and ears.
Dark Tan, dirty
large brow, bushy eyebrows, round, dark brown eyes
human looking sorta except it had large nostrils
couldnt see its ears
It looked extremely intelligent like he was going somewhere. almost like it was deep in thought, that is until I suprised it then it showed me his nice set of canines.
It had a whispy beard and it had a long strong squared jaw
Iteration One
Witness comments to iteration one:
Thats really what he looked like! Its mouth, pull your bottom lip down with a couple of fingers, and smile, showing your top and bottom teeth and picture them as very pointed in the front. thats how his mouth was.
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Iteration Two
Witness comments to iteration two:
Pete thats it, really either one of those is exactly as his head looked.
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